To change, start with 'cleansing'.
Changing your cleansing routine can change your skin.
If pores are left uncleansed, and the old stratum corneum remains, the essential moisturizing components cannot reach the entire skin, resulting in ineffective skincare.
Moreover, this can lead to skin problems such as acne, clogged pores, and blackheads. Therefore, it is most important to thoroughly cleanse the skin (including cleansing) to remove unnecessary substances.
In the La Clair series by RADRITZY Japan, using the five basic cosmetics (cleansing, wash, lotion, serum, cream) in the series enhances the skin's vitality and draws out strong power from the skin's inherent interior, shifting from the notion of cosmetics as merely superficial applications to enhancing the skin's own vitality and drawing out its inherent strength from within.